Feb 2Liked by Mark VanLaeys

A new question about the Bible's creation story sprang into my mind as I read this today. Why did god use one of Adam's ribs to make Eve? If this god is so powerful why didn't this god just create Eve as a stand-alone creation? One possible explanation for this is that a story that says Eve was made from Adam's rib immediately, from the get-go, woman is set up to be inferior to man. In all likelihood, the bible was written by men so it is not surprising that woman was introduced as a being dependent on man.

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Hi Mark, your post illustrates the utter incoherence of modern fundamentalism. In practice those who claim the Bible is “inerrant” are only interested in proof texts to “prove” their opinions are those of God. There is much truth and beauty in the creation stories viewed rightly, as creative attempts to illustrate eternal truths, e.g. before the “original sin” there was the original blessing of creation itself.

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Just received a proof text email from my barber. He’s from Lebanon, a Moslem, and we have good chats while he clips. Genesis 19:5 “proves” all homosexuals should die. My response: if that is true then *all* demands by God in the Bible for the death of offenders are true. That includes not only adulterers but also sons who talk back dto their parents (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). I sent him a clip of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). I asked him which God describes “Allah the All Merciful.” I’ll let you know how he answers.

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