Hello Steve - Thank you very much for your comments - always appreciated. One comment such as yours usually means a lot of people have similar thoughts or concerns. I'm very glad you're getting over your Covid infection and that you have access to great healthcare. As you suggested, it sure is refreshing that we have a president who not only respects science but also cares more about doing what's right, than winning the next election.
With your COMMENT SUGGESTING that I would be consulting a lawyer,
I hope by now your wife is recovered and happily in her garden. However, the understanding that we never know what burdens others carry is an important reminder to be kind ... always.
Kindness always, for the reasons you mentioned, is so important, though all too often an elusive target. It is indeed ironic that my wife literally headed out to the garden five minutes ago, cane in hand, after reminding me I need to help her. Have a great day, Thanks
This is my second day out of quarantine recovering from Covid. Deeply grateful for First World science and a compassionate President who took leadership getting this thing under control.
Re: that femur. I’m sure you will consult a malpractice lawyer; I have no idea whether the suffering my sister is going through is the result of incompetence or bad luck, but I certainly want to know.
Re: the fickle finger of fate. Yes, all your readers by definition are plugged into the world wide web not to mention deep networks of love and support. As Lent begins I am grateful for my companions on the journey.
I am so sorry to hear of the complications. You both have been and will continue to be in my prayers. I can empathize and the 6 wks DO fly by yet the slowing of time recuperating from my fracture were blessings and gifts in their own weird way. You realize true friends come out of the woodwork and act as Angels on Earth.
Thank you Pricilla - including for your perspective and certainly prayers. At one point one of our biggest problems was what to do with the meals that kept coming after our refrigerator AND freezer were filled. That says a lot about the people at our church and our neighbors. I'm glad you're coming along.
Hello Steve - Thank you very much for your comments - always appreciated. One comment such as yours usually means a lot of people have similar thoughts or concerns. I'm very glad you're getting over your Covid infection and that you have access to great healthcare. As you suggested, it sure is refreshing that we have a president who not only respects science but also cares more about doing what's right, than winning the next election.
With your COMMENT SUGGESTING that I would be consulting a lawyer,
I hope by now your wife is recovered and happily in her garden. However, the understanding that we never know what burdens others carry is an important reminder to be kind ... always.
Kindness always, for the reasons you mentioned, is so important, though all too often an elusive target. It is indeed ironic that my wife literally headed out to the garden five minutes ago, cane in hand, after reminding me I need to help her. Have a great day, Thanks
This is my second day out of quarantine recovering from Covid. Deeply grateful for First World science and a compassionate President who took leadership getting this thing under control.
Re: that femur. I’m sure you will consult a malpractice lawyer; I have no idea whether the suffering my sister is going through is the result of incompetence or bad luck, but I certainly want to know.
Re: the fickle finger of fate. Yes, all your readers by definition are plugged into the world wide web not to mention deep networks of love and support. As Lent begins I am grateful for my companions on the journey.
I am so sorry to hear of the complications. You both have been and will continue to be in my prayers. I can empathize and the 6 wks DO fly by yet the slowing of time recuperating from my fracture were blessings and gifts in their own weird way. You realize true friends come out of the woodwork and act as Angels on Earth.
Thank you Pricilla - including for your perspective and certainly prayers. At one point one of our biggest problems was what to do with the meals that kept coming after our refrigerator AND freezer were filled. That says a lot about the people at our church and our neighbors. I'm glad you're coming along.